Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Mother and her Peace will soon be parted....

This will be the shortest post ever (at least by my standards... which isn't really saying that much).

It is now 11 p.m. It has been a long (but good) day. Got tons accomplished. Quick recap: For anyone looking for napkins, spoons, bowls, cups, etc. smartyhadaparty.com is great. I'll give more detailed info about that in a post or two - but for now, I felt all my calm and peace melt away today and a whole new level of stress set in!!! I don't know if it will pass in a day or so when I realize things are fine, but let me explain...

I got the call I have been waiting for for 2 1/2 weeks. The invitations are in. Since the envelopes have been addressed and stamped, all we needed to do was stuff them and take them to the post office.... so I thought. I found several envelopes with mistakes on them. Example: We had 4 that printed out with only one of the spouses names on it. That might be an uncomfortable conversation when the invite comes!!!:

Husband: Did I do something that made the Kimzey's mad? They did not invite me, but they invited you!?!
Wife: Oh. I've always suspected they like me more than you (said in a smug voice)
Husband: (feeling a little defensive) What is that supposed to mean?!?!

The conversation might go on for hours and eventually lead to divorce just because I did not QUADRUPLE check the names and addresses before printing & stamping the envelopes!!! Is this my source of stress?!!?! Not really. That will take a few minutes to print some corrected envelopes, not big deal.

We found a few other problems too: a house number was left off of one, and a few other minor things. Nothing that 10 minutes at the computer won't fix. None of this is the source of by stress, but.....

Not to future self: Save the marriages of the world!!When working on names & addresses when your other children get married, do the QUADRUPLE check. Three is just not enough!!

Why so stressed then? I realized that TOMORROW most of the invites go out!! That means the wedding is REALLY REALLY close!! I all of the sudden feel like it crept up on me and took my by surprise!!! It still seemed like I had tons of time to finish stuff up. I am now regretting taking it so easy last month. I'm not so sure I'm ahead of the game anymore!!

There is the possibility that tomorrow I will congregate all my senses and realize that it is all good, and I really have things under control more than it feels right now, but there is the chance that I will realize - Yeah, you are behind!! If so, I will sweat, pace the floor, maybe call and friend and say "let's go to lunch!", then dig in!!!!!!!!

Just in case, I have some more advise for my future self:
When planning future wedding receptions for my children, don't take it so easy in the second month!! Just wait till it's over!

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